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Cooperative oscillations of electron-copper-oxygen interaction: possible relevance for superconduction theoryTRIBUTSCH, H.Journal of applied physics. 1989, Vol 65, Num 1, pp 252-257, issn 0021-8979, 6 p.Article

Surface electrochemistryFELIU, Juan M; ALDAZ, Antonio.Electrochimica acta. 1998, Vol 44, Num 6-7, issn 0013-4686, 397 p.Conference Proceedings

The impedance of a self-affine surfaceBLUNT, M.Journal of physics. A, mathematical and general. 1989, Vol 22, Num 8, pp 1179-1192, issn 0305-4470, 14 p.Article

Saut de potentiel à l'interface diélectrique/solution d'électrolyteVOROTYNTSEV, M. A; IVANOV, S. N.Èlektrohimiâ. 1988, Vol 24, Num 6, pp 805-807, issn 0424-8570Article

Surface electrochemistry―going deep into interfacesRANGARAJAN, S. K.Current science (Bangalore). 1991, Vol 60, Num 12, pp 671-672, issn 0011-3891Article

The QCM in electrochemistryHILLMAN, A. Robert.Electrochimica acta. 2000, Vol 45, Num 22-23, issn 0013-4686, 307 p.Serial Issue

Space charge of a conducting particle in the overlimit current regimeMISHCHUK, N. A; DUKHIN, S. S.Kolloidnyj žurnal. 1990, Vol 52, Num 3, pp 497-501, issn 0023-2912, 5 p.Article

Dispersion diffuse et électrodiffusion de la lumière au voisinage des points critiques des transitions de phases à l'interface métal/électrolyteDAJKHIN, L. I; URBAKH, M. I.Èlektrohimiâ. 1988, Vol 24, Num 7, pp 925-930, issn 0424-8570Article

AC admittance of the metal/insulator/electrolyte interfaceTAYLOR, D. M; MACDONALD, A. G.Journal of physics. D, Applied physics (Print). 1987, Vol 20, Num 10, pp 1277-1283, issn 0022-3727Article

Gas-generating porous electrodes: Allowing for the ohmic limitationsCHIRKOV, Yu. G; ROSTOKIN, V. I.Russian journal of electrochemistry. 2001, Vol 37, Num 8, pp 848-856, issn 1023-1935Article

Potentiels d'électrode dans les électrolytes solidesUKSHE, E. A.Èlektrohimiâ. 1989, Vol 25, Num 1, pp 98-104, issn 0424-8570Article

Ohmic potential drop at electrodes exhibiting steady-state diffusion currentsBRUCKENSTEIN, S.Analytical chemistry (Washington, DC). 1987, Vol 59, Num 17, pp 2098-2101, issn 0003-2700Article

On the role of local modes in the optics of the metal/electrolyte interfaceBRODSKY, A. M; URBAKH, M. I.Journal of electroanalytical chemistry and interfacial electrochemistry. 1987, Vol 228, Num 1-2, pp 179-196, issn 0022-0728Article

Electrochemical characterisation of oxide layers on single grains of a polycrystalline Ti-sampleKUDELKA, S; MICHAELIS, A; SCHULTZE, J. W et al.Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft. 1995, Vol 99, Num 8, pp 1020-1027, issn 0940-483XArticle

Ideal process model for flat-profile metal electrodepositionLEBEDEV, S. L; TOLKACHEV, N. I.Soviet electrochemistry. 1992, Vol 28, Num 9, pp 1058-1070, issn 0038-5387Article

Thermal modulation of rotating disk electrodes: frequency and transient responseVALDES, J. L; MILLER, B.Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 1988, Vol 135, Num 9, pp 2223-2231, issn 0013-4651Article

Heat of formation of the surface of an ideally polarizable electrodeGRAFOV, B. M.Russian journal of electrochemistry. 1999, Vol 35, Num 7, pp 790-793, issn 1023-1935Article

Les 1001 utilisations des fonctions de transfert en électrochimie = The 1001 use of transfer function in electrochemistryGABRIELLI, C.Spectra 2000. 1991, Vol 19, Num 159, pp 24-34, issn 0399-1172Article

The impedance of a plane electrode with a circular electro-active area both in the ideally polarized and the activation-controlled caseMULDER, W. H; SLUYTERS, J. H.Chemical physics. 1990, Vol 141, Num 1, pp 105-115, issn 0301-0104Article

Voltampérométrie en régime de diffusion limitée. Processus irréversible précédé d'une réaction chimiqueROJZENBLAT, E. M; KOSOGOV, A. A; KOLMANOVICH, V. YU et al.Èlektrohimiâ. 1989, Vol 25, Num 2, pp 201-207, issn 0424-8570Article

Electrochemical electron transfer: accounting for electron-hole excitations in the metal electrodeSEBASTIAN, K. L.The Journal of chemical physics. 1989, Vol 90, Num 9, pp 5056-5067, issn 0021-9606, 12 p.Article

Description microscopique de la génération optique du second harmonique à l'interface métal/électrolyteDAJKHIN, L. I; BRODSKIJ, A. M.Èlektrohimiâ. 1987, Vol 23, Num 7, pp 894-899, issn 0424-8570Article

Determination of the potential due to a surface distribution of dipole systems with several imaging planes: aplication to organic adsorptionSCHUHMANN, D.Journal of electroanalytical chemistry and interfacial electrochemistry. 1988, Vol 239, Num 1-2, pp 447-451, issn 0022-0728Article

Ion size effects in the Hurwitz-Parsons analysis: allowance for a lower dielectric constant between the two cationic OHPsMOLERO, M; ANDREU, R.Journal of electroanalytical chemistry and interfacial electrochemistry. 1989, Vol 260, Num 2, pp 417-423, issn 0022-0728Article

Influence de la composition chimique sur la position du point isoélectrique d'une électrode en verreGOLUB, T. P; SIDOROVA, M. P; FRIDRIKHSBERG, D. A et al.Kolloidnyj žurnal. 1989, Vol 51, Num 5, pp 987-990, issn 0023-2912Article

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